Bathroom TapsChoosing the right taps for your bathroom can get a little confusing as there is such a huge choice of styles, types, finishes, shapes and sizes. Your choice of taps will depend on the other components in your bathroom: you might have a wash hand basin with 1 tap hole, which is designed to take basin mixer taps; you might need to shower over your bath, so you could opt for a bath shower mixer; or you might just require a standard set of basin taps and bath taps. If you are buying a complete bathroom suite you might not be given much choice with regard to the type or style of tap. Sometimes the only option will be between a bath shower mixer or standard bath taps but this varies widely from retailer to retailer and can also vary between manufacturers. Some people will have difficult gripping smooth tap head if they suffer from conditions such as arthritis in which case it is better to opt for a lever tap design as they tend to be easier to grip. There are many modern designs of lever tap as well as period style taps - both of which look better in the home than the old fashioned lever taps that were used widely in the health service. The type of heating system that is present in your property can also have an affect on the choices available to you. Many continental bathroom taps are designed to work with high pressure heating systems, but the majority of UK heating systems are low pressure. Our tap valve section has more details on this subject. Glass sinks are now very popular in UK bathrooms but they need to be carefully matched with the right type of taps, to ensure you get the right height and projection. It is normally best to source the sink and the tap from the same supplier to ensure they are compatible. This can also be an issue on some china basins, especially those with a very wide rim which require taps with a reasonably long reach. |